Window Components Thermal Properties
Based on EN673, EN410 for Passive House WEUFI Simulation
Passive house certificate is normally Based on EN standards, this protocol calculates center-of-glass U-value per EN 673, center-of-glass solar gain per EN 410, and frame/spacer performance per EN 10077-2. The technical details of the EN standards differ from those of NFRC (which based on ISO 15099), the performance numbers from the two methods could not be fairly compared. Aside from the performance numbers, passive house required a comprehensive simulation that take the real dimension of individual windows into consideration, while the NFRC only cares about unit performance in standard size. Therefore, passive house designers are required to run simulations based on real window design and material properties. In this page we provided the general material properties for Eurotek windows to help architects and simulators easily estimate the performance of windows/doors based on their current design.